enjoy the yum


EnjoyTheYum | Hearts of Harvest

Dinner in The Field

As winter extends it’s chilling grip. The Forest begins to stir. The subtle shift of newborns expose branches once bare. The once lively chunes of summer are transformed into the sweet song of fall. Perfectly in tune with the dancing of the leaves on their lonely descent from their once sturdy post. Morning dew glistens on its bed of moss. Chiming in to the orchestra of the forest. The soft pitter patter of water dropping. Softly weathering the stones beneath. Filling in the shallow imprint of a passing fawn. Pay close mind to these imprints, for in those steps travels a story.

The Yearling an Epic. - JH


Join us October 23rd, 2022

for a special farm-to-table experience including:

  • Welcoming farm visit

  • Family style tasting menu

  • Wine pairing

  • Bonfire under the stars

$180 per person ($230 w/ wine), email for inquiries or to RSVP

Friends N’ Family Dinner

An Ode To Local Farmers

What a time to be alive, with covid running rampant through the world I personally have seen the tolls it’s taken on the hospitality industry. Long standing businesses forced to close up shop, farmers and purveyors who have built longstanding relationships through years of work dismantled. Entire crops picked, cleaned and boxed with no where to go. This is truly a time where as an industry we unite and push through these hard times. Despite these challenges, small miracles are being made. This weekend my wonderful lady Autumn and I organized a farm visit at HeartsOfHarvest in Arnoldsville, Ga for my team at Atlas(restaurant I’m currently working at). The owners, Paul and Lindsey, have a completely organic set up and are very passionate about their work. The sweet scent of basil greets us at the entrance of the field, which opens up to beautiful rows of mixed lettuces, cabbages and peppers. Paul has an affinity for anything purple which I can totally dig, and the purple bell peppers were so vibrant! Lindsey is the flower guru and I found myself stopping to smell the roses quite frequently. As we dive deeper into the visit we pass by some beautiful rainbow chard and my mind immediately starts putting together a dish. I’m like a kid in a candy store out here, just picking radishes and eating them straight from the earth, trying greens, purple snap peas, all the while grinning ear to ear. Now this is where things get a lil funky, we walk into the mushroom shack. Big ol brains of lions Mane and beautiful clusters of oyster mushrooms fill the room. Paul built his own humidifier and keeps the room in a controlled environment. Reminded me of a rain forest. Quick pit stop in the micro greens tent, a group picture on top of the tractor and we’re off to get some BBQ. That short visit will give a lifetime of insight on why it is so important to respect the product. My team and I were thoroughly pleased with the produce at HeartsOfHarvest farm and can’t wait to put some of your hard work on a plate. To me, forming these connections with local farmers is imperative. Not only do you get a better sense of how many hands have touched your product, but it makes the idea of farm to table more meaningful. Special thanks to Hasan, Mikki, Celina, Ceci, Hampton, Vlad, Autumn and who could forget Freddy. Vlad thanks for driving haha and Autumn thanks for the pics, their amazing #EnjoyTheYum

October Feast // 4 Course Dinner

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A different dinner party experience with Fall inspired dishes & cocktails.. Chef Josh, Chef Jean -Claude & Chef Sam are 3 Atlanta Culinary Artists that have a passion for their craft and want to share it with you. Come join us for this October Feast in a cozy, beautiful downtown location with wine pairings, fall flavors and new faces. Dress Code: Grown & Sexy Vibes.

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